It takes a lot to release a full length album in 2024. Still, instruMENTALITY, Mark (Maulucci) Nomad’s 12th album, is a vibrant mix of all things guitar, ranging from delicate acoustic numbers (with a few featuring his signature slide playing), a bit of tasteful Hendrix chordal work and onto two truly explosive electric fusion tracks.
Comprised of songs from all periods of his 50+ year career, instruMENTALITY flows nicely, starting with some sensitive acoustic work all the way through two blistering tracks from arguably his most successful band, Little Village, which feature some insane guitar work by Mark and his guitar sparring partner, the late great Johnny Frisell. At one point I was listening to it thinking, “this is as wild as what Jeff Beck was playing back in 1976,” when it was recorded live at the Silver Bullet Club in Moodus, CT.
Skillfully mastered by Jim Chapdelaine, which probably was a hefty job, considering the variety of recorded mediums he had to work with, instruMENTALITY is a labor of love from a master craftsman. I recommend that you pick up a copy, either from one of Mark’s live gigs or from his website www.marknomad.com.